Impact exChange

Kentucky’s higher education online network
The Impact exChange is an online platform for higher education faculty and practitioners to ask questions, share resources, and support one another in our common goal of student success. We all have experience and expertise to share; our favorite toolkits, playbooks, and reports on proven and emerging practices; and even campus-specific materials we’ve developed that may be helpful to a colleague at another campus.
Ask the Collaborative
(p.s. you are the Collaborative)
Look up topics or start a conversation on any student success topic and our colleagues across the state will offer up helpful insights and resources. This platform becomes more robust and more helpful every time you post a question and share a resource.
hot topics:
I have really enjoyed and have benefitted from the work of the Collaborative. I am not sure we would be this far along in our efforts without the support of the Collaborative and its groups.
Vice President of Student Affairs
There is so much good work happening, a lot that I think others [external partners and states] could learn from. I’d love to see the Collaborative elevate our efforts even more.
College President
The collaborative has allowed voices beyond high-level administrators such as presidents and provosts to be in the conversation and help shape supports and outcomes for students. I know I feel more valued than before.
Student Affairs Staff Member
If this work continues, I think there will be strong success within 3 to 5 years at a statewide level. The KYSSC effort is demonstrating steady progress but there is still work to be done and our students deserve for us to keep it up.
College President
The exChange is super helpful for me to follow updates or find resources for our SBN work. I’ve accessed it many times to see what resources are available like best practices and current programs.
Student Affairs Staff